Global Bicycle Race
The longest, toughest, most dramatic adventure competition ever.
Since setting the Guinness World Record for the fastest circumnavigation by bicycle,
Vin Cox has received many enquiries about a cycle race around the world. He’s now committed to organising it.
The Global Bicycle Race will require riders to:
- Complete a provable minimum of 18,000 miles in generally the same direction (e.g. East).
- Use a GPS linked to the race website.
- Send a text message status and mileage update at least once a week.
- Take photos, video, and witness statements from around the world.
- Have valid travel/medical insurance for the whole event.
- Visit antipodal points (opposite sides of the world e.g. New Zealand and Spain).
- Co-operate with the event’s media partners.
- Stay on the same bike (parts may be replaced).
Participants will be free to:
- Devise their own routes around the world.
- Have their own sponsors, one of which can be their “title” sponsor credited on the event website.
- Run websites, take photos, write blogs, etc to credit their backers and communicate with supporters.
- Ride in a supported or un-supported style. The race will have categories for each and will negotiate with Guinness World Records to have these recognised by them too.
The race will provide:
- An organised start and finish point.
- Media co-ordination, getting the riders recognition and exposure for sponsors.
- An online tracking facility showing all riders and their progress on a global map.
- A blog telling the unfolding story of the race as-it-happens on the race website.
- A repository of advice and contacts to help cope with any problems riders encounter.
- Random auditing of participants to ensure fair play.
- A place in history for all involved!
The finish:
- The world’s sporting press will be in London and look for a good story before the start of the Olympics. The finish of this race is designed to be that story in July 2012.
- The race will start 160 days before the Olympics on Saturday 18th February 2012. This allows 140 days riding, 15 days transit, and a first rider finishing around Sunday 22nd July.
- Greenwich Park is an Olympic venue, so to avoid problems of access to the finish, the race has a second point where the competition technically starts and finishes. This will be on Black Heath, just south of Greenwich Park, still on the Prime Meridian.
Entry fee:
The entry fee will be relatively low. It can’t be stated yet as costs haven’t been found for race insurance or for other services to the participants, but these are the only costs the entry fee will cover. The race organisation will be funded by sponsors.
Using an idea borrowed from global yacht racing, the race will hold a bond from each rider, returned only on completion of the race. This achieves two things which are in the interest of the riders and the race as a whole:
- It encourages riders not to give up if they lose the chance of winning. They will keep going to complete the event and collect their bond, so the race will have more finishers.
- Having the bond returned at the end will give participants a financial cushion for their return to normal life.
Yacht racing bonds are huge, but for the Global Bicycle Race £1000 British pounds is more appropriate. (The cost of cycling around the world depends on the countries visited, time taken, and types of accommodation used. Vin Cox spent around £20,000.)